
North Central Fire Protection District Station

The North Central Fire Protection District is an agency currently comprised of about ten volunteers and a Board of Directors located in North Central Elbert County Colorado. A separate entity, the NCEC Auxiliary, helps to provide support to the Fire Department and holds community events. 

All members of North Central Fire Protection District are volunteers whose selfless devotion of their time and energy help to keeping their neighbors safe. We train in medical and fire fighting skills three times every month. Our volunteers range in age from their mid-thirties to their late sixties. We are constantly seeking new volunteers since, like so many Fire Districts nationwide, we struggle to find residents of our district who are willing to donate their time and energy to becoming members of the Department.

Information about North Central Fire Protection District as of January, 2023.

District size is approximately 85 square miles with roughly 1,500 residents

Average response time to scene is between 15-20 minutes

All roads in the fire district are dirt and none are paved 

Half of the residences in our district are more than 5 miles from the fire station

North Central Fire Protection District’s fire fighting apparatus:

    Type 1 fire engine, 1000 gallons, 1500 GPM

   ○ Water tender, 3000 gallons, 150 GPM pump, 3500 gallon drop tank for static water supply

   ○ Water tender, 1800 gallons, 150 GPM pump, 1500 gallon drop tank for static water supply

   ○ Type 4 brush fire engine, 1000 gallons

   ○ Type 5 brush fire engine, 400 gallons

North Central Fire Protection District has a cistern located at the station with 30,000 gallons of water that is utilized to refill pumpers and tenders

North Central Fire Protection District has mutual aid agreements with all the fire departments in our county. They are usually 10-15 minutes behind us responding to a fire. These other fire departments will bring more firefighters, tenders and pumpers

As of January 2023, North Central Fire Protection District has an ISO rating of 9/10 (based on driving distance from fire station)